News — Tips
Using Glaze to Adorn Your Cheese with Flower
Flowers SpringProjects Tips Wedding Wildflowers

s A single serving of glazed goat cheese 5 years ago, I posted an article (Using Wildflowers In/On Your Cheese) about picking and preparing wildflowers. Most of my information for that article came from Terry Dinnan, a home cheese maker in Charlotte, Vermont. Terry’s flax petals drying in the sun. (If you want to add flowers to the interior of your cheeses, it’s best to dry them first.) After posting that article, I began to notice that more and more people are using flowers to decorate their cheeses. These flowers were laid on the cheese without glaze. For example, Becca...
7 Tips to Keep Your Laundry Room Organized

Let’s face it - doing laundry can be tedious. Most of the time, piles of dirty clothes are scattered across the room, mismatched socks disappear into the abyss, and messy detergent bottles are left out in plain sight. Whether you love doing laundry or not, laundry room organization is a must. However, there are tons of simple ways to make laundry room organization more fun - from labeled mason jars to matching hangers. When you create a clean and inviting space, doing laundry will feel less like a chore and more like a relaxing treat. 1) Create a space to...
My kitchen tour, let’s take a sneak peak at my kitchen, where I take your through my kitchen.
IndianKitchen KitchenTour RECENTPOSTS SingaporeHdbKitchen TIPS

Right, kitchen tour was in the plans for more than a year now. When I renovated my kitchen early last year, I was so tempted to do a kitchen tour. But it took a lot of time for me to settle. Not a great organizer myself, so took help from Vj, especially for the storages. Since I am in Singapore, got most of the things in Ikea and online shopping. We don’t carry much from India, so tried to get as much as possible locally. I had plans to buy few more stuffs from India but this year since we...
You will be hard-pressed to find someone who likes the drudgery of hand-washing cookware and serving plates and bowls
Appliance ApplianceGuide Dishwasher Kitchen Tips

With a dishwasher, you take away some of the pain during clean-up, saving you lots of time and effort. Wondering if you should invest in one yourself? Read this guide first. First things first: How does a dishwasher work? Design: Starry Homestead After loading your dishwasher with dirty dishes and selecting the programme you wish to run, the dishwasher then starts to draw water from a hose connected to your water supply. Once enough water has pooled at the bottom of your appliance, a heating element will start to heat the water up. At the same time, detergent is released....
We all know that the kitchen knife is one of the most important tools in the kitchen, but when it comes to selecting a good one for our arsenal, we are completely clueless
AskTheExperts Kitchen KitchenKnives KitchenTools Tips

So who best to speak with than with Ben Lew, who’s the founder of Kitchin Tools, an online business in Singapore that carries handcrafted kitchen knives primarily forged by blacksmiths in Japan. Turns out, it’s not just about picking the sharpest tool in the shed. Design: Artistroom Renonation: There are generally two styles of kitchen knives: German and Japanese. Which is better? Ben: Both types of knives are great, so it comes down to individual preference. In general, German knives are manufactured very consistently, so you can get an exact replacement if you damage your knife. Because German knives are...