News — kitchens
Aha! Hack: Hanging Magnet as DIY, Deconstructed Kitchen Catch-All
Aha Kitchens KitchenStorage KnifeBlocks SmallKitchens

To be filed under Genius Kitchen Hacks to Borrow from an Artist: the DIY twists on tradition in German-born glassmaker Jochen Holz‘s studio kitchen in Stratford, East London. (Contributor Nell Card took a full tour a few weeks back on Remodelista; see Kitchen of the Week: A Glassmaker’s Imaginative Studio Kitchen in London, DIY Ikea Hacks Included). Among Holz’s revelatory ideas? A painted sheet of glass as ad-hoc backsplash, reclaimed Marmoleum scraps pieced together into a countertop, and Ikea cabinet boxes transformed with pink-tinted plywood fronts and the artist’s own handmade glass door handles. Plus, shelves and shelves of Holz’s own molten, multi-colored...
Neutral Egg Container For Refrigerator
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Leftover raw egg whites and yolks should be put in airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator immediately. To prevent yolks from drying out, cover them with a little cold water. Drain the water before using. When storing hard boiled eggs, you may notice a “gassy” odour in your refrigerator. Buy 77L Egg Container, 30 Refrigerator Eggs Container with Lid, Plastic . You have to situated the egg correctly to fit but you can’t beat the storage saver these . Eggs are perishable and must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. . To hinder gel formation, beat in either 1/8...