News — 038
There are very few things that scream Holiday like these Sugared Cranberries! Today I’m sharing the full recipe video with tips on making these a family tradition every year!
038 Cranberry FrostedCranberries HolidaySnacks Recipes SugaredCranberriesRecipe

It’s the season for cranberries and everything sweet that comes with it. How are you all keeping up so far? I have to say, things are a bit better this year than where I was last year. I think it’s probably because I’m not hosting this season. We’re invited and it’s a potluck, so I’ll be making one huge salad for 40 people 🙂 One thing I’m excited to make every single year, hosting or not, are those Sugared Cranberries. I’ve also made a recipe video for you to see how easy they are! SUGARED CRANBERRIES One of my favorite...