News — CatchingUpWithTheKelnhofers
On this weeks Catching up with the Kelnhofers, I’m letting you in on what we got the kids for Easter, plus you’ll get to see our family’s favorite Easter decoration and hear the story behind it!
BlogPosts CatchingUpWithTheKelnhofers FoodBlogger Lifestyle WorkingMom

Wishing you a happy Easter!! Hopefully filled with lots of delicious bunny pancakes. This past weekend I got out a few Easter decorations I had while the kids were napping, and as soon as they woke up, they noticed! Frankie lined the bunnies up and it was the cutest thing ever, and then Ben wanted me to take their picture of each of them holding a bunny. It was such a sweet moment and really had me looking forward to the holiday. Also, please enjoy this picture of Ben 2 years ago with the Easter Bunny (LOL!) I think he’s...