News — Laundry
13 No-Nonsense Laundry Tips That Will Make A Huge Difference
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As of this year I’ve been blogging for a full decade, and laundry has been a focus of mine from the very beginning! Keeping a household up and running and staying on top of laundry often go hand in hand, especially for those of us who fulfill the role of CHO, or Chief Household Officer. :-) There isn’t much variety involved in doing laundry, which can make it a somewhat tedious chore. For that reason, I’ve always been interested in finding ways to improve the laundry experience by making it faster, easier, or more efficient. And while some of the...
One of the most-asked questions I field via Instagram is how I dress my children so nicely in the face of all of the laundering, stain removal, and ironing it must entail
ClothingCare Home HomeCare Laundry

The truth is that my children also wear a lot of easy-to-care-for cotton separates like peter pan collar dresses from Busy Bees and Luigi for Emory and jeans with long-sleeved polos and printed turtlenecks for Hill, but I do spend a lot of time tending to their dressier clothes. Here’s what works well for us: For stains, I swear by Palmolive dish soap diluted by hot water, applied directly to the area, and then immediately laundered with The Laundress Baby detergent, and this stiff brush is helpful in the process. For lighter staining/marking/spillage issues, Dreft spray works well. In general,...
Laundromats in my area have closed amid concerns about coronavirus
Home Inspire Laundry MavenMoment

Now, I’m presented with a new problem. I don’t have a washing machine, I’ve always relied on laundromats. So, how do I launder my clothes and house linens? Often when faced with a challenge, I think back to my childhood in Brooklyn. When I was little, my grandma didn’t have a washer or drier. Although she could have used my mom’s washer or the laundromat at the corner, Grandma wanted no part of that. She did her laundry by hand with a washboard in her big double sink. Like my mom, who didn’t have a drier, Grandma dried her laundry...
10 Favorite Laundry Rooms with Storage Ideas to Steal
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A well-appointed laundry room turns a tedious chore into a marginally satisfying, even enjoyable, task. Here are 10 of our favorites—genius space-saving ideas included. Above: Melissa Coleman, aka the Faux Martha, designed her organized Ikea laundry room around her Steele Canvas bins, which were her “anchor inspiration pieces,” she says. See Steal This Look: The Faux Martha’s DIY Laundry Room Makeover, Courtesy of Ikea for details. Photograph courtesy of the Faux Martha. Above: Set in a tiled back entry, this room serves as mudroom, laundry space, and potting station. The white laminate counter works as a place to fold clothes and pot plants. Plywood cabinets and...
Nice To Look At Laundry Room Decor Ideas
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Explore Ask Anna’s board “decorate :: laundry room” on Pinterest. . Small Laundry Room Organization – Industrial Shelving (Idea for clothes rod under cabinets) . special quote desiFree Delivery and Buy 2 Get One FREE Wall Sticker Now! See more ideas about Laundry detergent, Kitchen and Laundry room design. . Decorate with vintage laundry signs to create unique laundry room decor. Nov 2, 2018- We love these fun and functional laundry room decor ideas! . I like the idea of a backsplash of sorts in a laundry room.or at least in this laundry room. . From how to clean and...