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On this weeks Catching up with the Kelnhofers, I’m letting you in on what we got the kids for Easter, plus you’ll get to see our family’s favorite Easter decoration and hear the story behind it!
BlogPosts CatchingUpWithTheKelnhofers FoodBlogger Lifestyle WorkingMom

Wishing you a happy Easter!! Hopefully filled with lots of delicious bunny pancakes. This past weekend I got out a few Easter decorations I had while the kids were napping, and as soon as they woke up, they noticed! Frankie lined the bunnies up and it was the cutest thing ever, and then Ben wanted me to take their picture of each of them holding a bunny. It was such a sweet moment and really had me looking forward to the holiday. Also, please enjoy this picture of Ben 2 years ago with the Easter Bunny (LOL!) I think he’s...
design by three birds renovations | via coco kelley
EditorsPicks Lifestyle TheLinkUp thestew

Happy, happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and caregivers out there. We hope you are able to celebrate (or not celebrate) in whatever way makes you the happiest. It’s your day! Now, here’s what the EHD team has been loving this week: Today’s home tour is everything we want a Sunday to feel like. Happy, cozy, soft, and a solid dose of light pink. The entire house is a calm breath of fresh Australian air so be prepared to feel very good once your eyes get a load of this home by the very talented ladies of Three Birds...
Tejal Rao’s 10 essential Indian recipes
Food LatestNews Lifestyle Recipes

My grandmother cooked in an embroidered cotton caftan and rubber flip-flops, getting all of her prep out of the way in the morning, sometimes enlisting my help with tedious potato-peeling or kneading. Blasting Hindi movie soundtracks on the radio, she built the seasonal Gujarati dish undhiyu, a specialty of the city of Surat, with purple yams and plantains, flat hyacinth beans and teeny eggplants, all of it layered in a giant, lipped stainless-steel pot and left to cook slowly over the charcoal outside. This didn’t happen in India, but in Kenya. I’m a part of the diaspora. Born in London...
photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: about those integrated appliances in the mountain house kitchen

Time and time again I have felt the twinge of disappointment when reaching for the open bag of lettuce, that I swear I bought only two days ago, to find it in a gooey state. TMI? Sorry. This past year I decided enough is enough and made it my goal to research how to store produce the right way. Thanks to our good friend the internet, I now know some really great tips and tricks to keep produce alive and well ’til it goes down my mouth hole. Now, most of you probably know your stuff and could teach me...
photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: how we designed a family-friendly laundry room in the portland project

LAUNDRY, GUYS. It’s all I can think about. Riddle me this: how is it possible to wear the same few pieces every day and STILL amass piles of things to be washed? Did I break a time-space barrier? Is this physics? Did my spring cleaning unlock a black hole of clothing that’s been sitting, un-laundered, for millennia? Is this what you talk about in science class? Like a lot of apartment dwellers, laundry day is a whole THING for me. I wasn’t #blessed with an in-unit (or even in-building) washer or dryer, so once a week, I load up a...