It’s hard to change habits. I’ve been trying to meditate in the mornings for, oh, about six months now. I even added the Headspace app to my phone; it sends reminders every morning at 6:15 to do a guided meditation. Yet even with this daily reminder, even though my desire to meditate is genuine, I don’t.
I know I’ll get there some day. One step in the right direction? Instead of falling back asleep, I spend quality time in bed petting our beloved dog. It’s definitely not meditation, but it’s better than hopping on my phone, it’s better than snoozing again, it’s better than nothing.
I feel we should apply the same strategy toward attaining a more sustainable lifestyle. Instead of aiming for zero-waste right away, a gentler and, ultimately, more successful way is to take baby steps. Think of this product that I recently found on one of my favorite blogs, I Want to Be Her (creative director Andrea Linett’s site devoted to beauty/fashion/culture recommendations from cool women she comes across in her life), as a way to slowly transition you to a more eco-conscious way of living.
Made of birch wood, the Original Plastic Bag Dryer by Floworks Design was originally created for drying washed plastic bags (think sandwich bags and plastic produce bags that you get from the grocery store) so that you can use them more than once. If you can’t seem to eliminate plastic bags in your life, you can at least reduce them.
Above: The Original Plastic Bag Dryer is made from sustainably harvested wood in British Columbia. It’s $23.95 on Amazon. Above: To store, simply collapse the rods and pull up the ring to lock in place. It measures 14.5 inches tall. Above: It’s also great for drying plastic baby bottles. More smart buys ahead:
Laundry, Unplugged: The Best Drying Rack, from Columbia, Missouri Smart Buy: The Perfect Accessory for the Black Hole in Your Tote Bag Smart Buy: A Reusable Produce Bag that Keeps Veggies Fresher Longer #Uncategorized #Eco-FriendlySolutions #Racks #KitchenStorage&Organization #ProductDiscoveries