Set up a Meal Prep Space:
Temporary kitchen setup during a remodel with small appliances and paper products.
1. Decide what small appliances best fit the lifestyle of your family. Choose appliances that can be used for multiple tasks. A versatile countertop appliance like a toaster oven or air fryer may become your new favorite possession during your remodel. Features and large interior capacities of these items make it possible to prepare many different meals. Take note that these ovens can get very hot in the areas surrounding them. Keep the space clear and avoid stacking items on top. Crock pots, rice-cookers, and countertop grills can each be used and stored off-site in another room. You can still prepare meals at home without eating out every day. If you need inspiration, follow our Pinterest board of recipes to enjoy during your remodel.
2. No immediate access to water? Keep a bottle of anti-bacterial gel accessible for you and the crew. Stop germs from spreading without needing running water.
3. While they can be very wasteful to use regularly, using “disposable” products during your remodel can be a great way to keep dirty dishes from piling up. When cleared off properly, many can even be recycled. Plastic utensils and cups can even be washed and reused. Just be aware that certain plastics should not be heated up to high heats and reused for food service.
4. Keep a roll of paper towels handy. Some snacks and meals can even be prepped and served on a paper towel (no judgement from us if we catch you eating a slice of pizza off of a paper towel). Be excited to know that in just a few weeks you will be cooking a gourmet meal in your brand new kitchen.
5. For quick meal prep, reheating leftovers, and even warming up coffee, a microwave really is a necessity. If you do not have a portable model microwave, consider borrowing one or purchasing an inexpensive one that can later be sent with a child to college or moved to a basement bar or “man Cave” area. Village Home Stores keeps many countertop model microwaves in stock so ask your design team about our options.
Set Up a Dish Washing Station:
Life goes on in your home no matter what state the kitchen is in. Busy families, single adults, and empty-nesters all create dirty dishes. When they do start to pile up we recommend to set up a dish-washing station.
Kitchen remodel wash station setup with tub and washing supplies.
6. Not having a running kitchen sink and faucet is probably one of the largest inconveniences during a remodel. Find a large plastic tub that will act as your sink during this time. If you do not have another running sink nearby, make sure the tub you pick fits nicely in the closest bathtub you have. If you are preparing a meal at home, we suggest filling this tub with warm, soapy water and adding dirty dishes as they are used. This gives them time to soak as you prep the meal and will mean less time scrubbing in the bathtub later on.
7. Of course you will need a bottle of dish detergent. Keep it nearby whatever water source you are using.
8. Set up an area for drying clean items. Find a drying mat or rack that does not take up too much space and fits the dishes you do plan on using often.
9. Using a dish scrubbing brush that also stores/dispenses detergent can eliminate the need for a sponge at all in your dish-washing station.
Set up a Command Center:
Kitchen remodel temporary kitchen setup with small appliances, command center, and lunch packing supplies.
10. Establish a command center for your family and even the crews. Keep a notebook and writing utensils available for notes and lists. Project information should also be in this location. In addition to our online/project management tools, Village Home Stores will give you a physical project binder with schedules, specs and up to date plans to be kept on-site. If you have a busy household, create an “Action File” for papers and piles to stay organized. This is a great addition to your temporary kitchen command center and may even find its way into your permanent one. Here you can keep bills, incoming mail, school papers, schedules, and paperwork that may normally end up piled on a kitchen counter.
11. Emptying a bookcase or relocating a few shelves of movies or decorations can clear off enough shelf space for pantry items and even some small appliances. If you have set up a folding table, large tubs or bins below can be used for pantry storage. Always have trash bags and lunch packing items handy by the pantry area as well.
12. A coffeepot is absolutely a must-have item for most customers. Just remember this part of your temporary kitchen does not need to be near the rest. Reduce clutter and free up counter space by setting up your coffeemaker in the master bathroom, living room, or even a home office away from the remodel stress.
13. Find an all-purpose cleaner in a spray bottle that you can keep on hand. This can be used to clean work surfaces and even appliances as they may get dusty during the remodeling process. All-purpose cleaning wipes can be fantastic as well for quick clean up.
14. Running water and a clear work surface are as desirable as available outlets in your temporary kitchen. By using a power strip for your small appliances, you can gain surge protection and access extra receptacles for charging devices.
15. The most important item of course is patience. Being torn up for a short period of time is always worth it once you can enjoy your new finished kitchen space. Patience truly is a “Must-Have Item” when remodeling. Just remember that the project is only temporary. Soon you will have a new space from Village Home Stores to enjoy.
Where Should a Temporary Be?
We have seen many temporary kitchens set up throughout the years as we have been remodeling kitchens. Some of the most innovative locations we have seen use existing furniture or spaces already accessible in the home. Do you already have a buffet or built-in bookcase? Consider these spaces first before unfolding a large camping table for your temporary kitchen. If you find an existing space, you may only need a small cart in addition to that. Always seek out a location that is outside of any masked off areas from the jobsite.
Example of a temporary kitchen setup with small appliances, folding table, and laundry tubs during a remodel by Village Home Stores.
We wish things could happen overnight like they seem to do on television, but in reality these things take time. Our Project Management Program allows us to use your time most efficiently and get your new kitchen up and running as quickly as possible. Be sure to check out our board on Pinterest full of great tips and examples of temporary kitchens. Are you reading this post because you are about to start a project with us? How exciting! We thank you so much for your business and we can’t wait to have your new kitchen up and running as soon as we are able to. If you are still in the research phase of a remodel, feel free to contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our expert kitchen designers. You can call us at (309) 944-1344 or enter your information in the chat box here on the blog and a member of our team will connect with you. We can’t wait to hear what you are working on.
The post Temporary Kitchen Setup Tips and Tricks appeared first on Village Home Stores Blog.
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